Saturday, July 20, 2019

Learning to LOVE MORE: Reflecting on a Spiritual Journey

If you knew the only reason you exist is to LOVE MORE, how would this knowledge change your life?

Let’s first consider, what is love anyway? Love is emotion and action. It is patient and kind. It does not envy or boast. It is not proud or rude. Love is not self-seeking or easily angered and it keeps no record of wrongs. It expands through truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. Love conquers all. And God is love.

Love itself is energy, a vibrational frequency…  and, as an emotion or action, it is an energetic exchange.

If the only reason that we exist in this life is to learn to LOVE MORE, then tremendous energetic burdens can be immediately lifted. Fear, and all associated emotions such as anger, jealousy, lack, and even procrastination can disappear because fear does exist through a lens of love.

This perspective guides me in how I choose to live my life. I work consistently toward this goal… imperfectly, of course, because I am human and learning and growing through my experience. However, it is still my truth and the nature of my being. As I face challenges, make choices big and small, and interact with others in my life, I am constantly redirecting my attention to my spirit and my heart. Reflecting on each scenario and circumstance as they occur, I try to correct my course, and refocus my energy toward thoughts and actions that are rooted in love and communicate love to all who share my experience. While I understand this to be a lofty goal and a work in progress, it is my goal to simply and consistently learn to love more and, ultimately, to become pure love.

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