Saturday, July 20, 2019

Ho’OponoPono: The Language of my Heart

I’m Sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.

Like the lyrics of a song, the powerful words of this meditation resonate through my heart                                                             as a healing mantra with an energetic melody.

I’m sorry for my erroneous thoughts that brought such situations and circumstances into my awareness.

Erroneous is defined as not being in-agreement with what is true. Given that love is our true nature, erroneous thoughts are those that are not grounded in love. Such thoughts may arise from fear of the known and unknown, uncertainty of our own identity or purpose, and are fueled by our active and vivid imaginations. Some thoughts may even be karmic in origin, carried forward from a past remembered or forgotten. In any case though, our thoughts are created by our own power and carried forward as each thought manifests to become the reality of our experience. Therefore, everything that we experience in our awareness is of our own creation. By withholding judgment of the nature of our experiences, we can simply, but powerfully, accept responsibility for our own thoughts. And because we understand that we create some thoughts with intention, and others from uncertainty, we can choose to acknowledge this responsibility for all that is brought into our awareness or life experience.

Forgiveness represents a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense. It offers opportunity to release negative emotions such as vengefulness, however legally or morally justified such offenses may be, and it creates space and ability to give love to a situation or individual, even when such compassion seems unjustified and feels nearly impossible. No matter the offense or the offender, through the ho’ oponopono mediation, forgiveness is requested for the erroneous thought that manifested into awareness as a situation or circumstance. Forgiveness allows healing to occur by bringing our own energy back into balance.

Thank you is a genuine expression of gratitude. This expression, when sincere, carries incredible energy to move any situation or circumstance in a positive direction. Gratitude is grounded in love.

Love is our most readily available, unlimited resource with infinite power. It is the source of life, health and healing. As we sift through our mind’s chatter, we tune into to the language of our heart. 

I love you.

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