Saturday, July 20, 2019

Energy Medicine: Born to Heal

Everything – living or unliving – plant, animal, or organism – large or small - stationary or mobile – thought or action – real or surreal – is energy. This energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it is only transferred or transformed from one form to another. Despite our perceived differences and our experience of separation, we are all made up of the same energy and we are all connected. Within every proton and subatomic particle in the nucleus of an atom exists all the energy and information of all the other atoms in the universe. And within every individual lies the ability to connect with universal oneness, the energetic connectivity among all things.

Our thoughts and intentions are powerful forms of energy that fuel our actions and allow us to interact with the world around us. Through our own energetic frequencies, we can attract energy to ourselves, move it within our own bodies and change its frequency, and transfer it to others. This energy exchange can be used to heal ourselves and to assist others in their healing through our energetic connection. 

Many modalities for energy healing exist today, and new possibilities arise in every moment and with every thought. Such energetic healing modalities include reiki, qigong, EFT tapping, kinergetics, yoga, and tai chi, among many others. With each of these modalities, universal energy is transferred, moved, stimulated or dissipated to balance the energy within an individual to promote healing. Our intelligent energetic bodies already know what to do, we only need to open our minds and hearts to allow the energy to flow.

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