Sinusitis/Nasal Congestion
Nasal congestion, also known as a stuffy nose, is whentissue and blood vessels in the nose become swollenwith extra fluid. Nasal congestion can sometimes alsoinclude a runny nose (nasal discharge).
The common causes of nasal congestion is a common cold, sinus infection orallergies. The treatment options in Western medicine include but not limited to:
● Medicine● Pain reliever to reduce pain and swelling - such as ibuprofen● Anti-congestion such as sudafed● Steam● Nasal irrigator
In Traditional Chinese Medicine point of view, the nasal congestion is cause by windpathogen such as wind heat and wind cold. Nasal congestion is a metal element,when the Lungs interferes, the ability of spreading the Qi will lessen. Once the Qiis unable to act or blocked, the fluids will be increasing and it will become a thickmucous substance called Tan. When the body is lack of Qi, the wind cold and windheat will stuck in the nose and sinus then the Tan will start to stagnate until it willbecome infected. And when the Lung energy weaken and infectious the Kidneys Qiwill start to weaken also.
Acupuncture and acupressure are effective when it comes to opening the nasalpassages and patients will be able to breathe easier. Herb medication is also usefuland is considered a treatment. Bitong point is the most common point for sinusitismeans nose opening. This are the following common points used for sinusitis thatyou can also do to yourself:
● LI-20 (Large Intestine) - found on the both sides of the base of the nose,use your index finger or middle finger and put pressure on it in for about 1or 2 minutes.
● LI-4 (Large Intestine) - it is located on the back of your hand in the webbingbetween your thumb and index finger. Apply pressure for 1-2 minutes. Thispoint is contraindicated for the pregnant women.
● GV24.5 also known as Yintang - located between the eyebrows also known as“third eye”. Apply pressure or rub the area using your fingertips.
Massaging a person with sinusitis or nasal congestion is helpful by relieving thepressure and helps the sinuses drain and also keep the body fluid and mobilize. Afacial massage is recommended for a client that has sinusitis or nasal congestion,this can be done on the floor or on a table for 30-45 minutes. With your clientlaying down on their back comfortably and position yourself at their head. Apply agentle pressure around the neck, head, shoulders and other sinus areas and thenyou can also apply acupressure point.