Tuesday, August 13, 2019


Experiencing a Migraine?

A migraine is described in Western Medicine as a, “a recurrent headache with an unknown cause.”  In Chinese Medicine we are reminded to honor each person’s experience. To treat someone where they are on the day of treatment, without judgment or question. 

The migraine can be unilateral or temporal.  Accompanied by the following symptoms: irritability, nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, and photophobia (sensitivity to light), sensitivity to sound, auras and vasodilation.  Migraines may last anywhere from a few hours to days, even weeks. And are more frequent in women ages 30-49. Often showing up around puberty and resurfacing during menopause. There are also many different types of migraines a person can experience that are listed on the website  www.freemedicaldictionary.com

Western Medicine prospective is to prescribe medications, Botox injections or other treatments to hopefully give relief from migraines.
The Western approach of treatment on a migraine may do very little to “cure” or treat a person from experiencing a migraine. Leaving a person with little to no options.  And spending a lot of money on medicines and still having zero relief.
 Prescribing medications or suggest treatments that mask the symptoms for short periods of time for many people. And medications that cause such severe side effects, tiredness, or put one in a “drug coma.”

TCM describes a migraine as deficient liver qi. And having an unbalanced fire and wind element.
Treatments from a TCM prospective is to maintain balance of the liver qi.
 By calming the liver and unblocking the meridians. Removing toxins and pathogens. Each person is treated on an individual basis according to their own disharmony patterns. This would include changing diet and using foods to treat and heal the body.
Acupressure and migraines:
Points used to relieve a migraine. 6 main points are suggested by: www.modernreflexology.com to use to treat to give relief to someone experiencing a migraine or headache. Each person is different, and these may or may not give relief. But in combination with massage could give some amazing results to someone experiencing a migraine.
 These points are:
1. Third Eye
2. Bright Light (corner of the eye below eyebrow)
 3.Temple region curving around the ear 
4.Welcome fragrance (either side of the nostrils)
5.Neck region, back of the head
6. Webbing of the thumb and in the foot (the valley between big toe and 2nd toe).

Massage is indicated for migraines or headaches. If you are experiencing a migraine or a headache, try some of the points on yourself listed above. Or get a massage. Or even better, a combination of the two.