Attending Alaska Institute of Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture and Massage Therapy, I've learned much. One part I find particularly interesting in Chinese medicine is the relation of Qi moving and flowing within the body. When Qi becomes still and stagnant pain and tightness settles into the body. Which leads me to think about how could people affected with Parkinson's disease have a disharmony in their energy flow if their bodies are rarely stagnant.
disease is a progressive movement disorder of the nervous system. Stricken with
symptoms of tremor, muscular tension, and slow imprecise movement. Associated with degeneration of the basal
ganglia (linked with voluntary motor control) of the brain and a deficiency of
the neurotransmitter dopamine.
As far as western medicine is aware the cause is unknown, and there is presently no cure. Western medicine has traditionally treated patients’ with medication and surgery to manage its symptoms.
Eastern medicine takes a different opinion on Parkinson's disease. It is defined in
Oriental medicine as a symptom of spasms and tremors. These symptoms are found
as common conditions that fall under the liver-wind pattern, with blood
stagnation, kidney essence deficiency, liver wind, liver yang rising, liver yin
deficiency. The main causes are overwork and excessive sexual activity,
excessive consumption of greasy or sweet foods, and emotional stress.
Needless say there is a large difference of beliefs between the two practices. Taking a deeper look into exactly what a Parkinson's disease patient could do with the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, I have researched acupressure points that will specifically support the body returning to harmony with this condition.
To aid in blood stagnation, calm wind and tonify Qi, rejuvenate joining channels the acupuncture points used are ST 36 and SP 6; CV 4 to nourish blood; and LV 8 to nourish the liver blood; GV-20 extinguishes liver wind and subdue liver yang; HT-3 is a good local point to move the Qi and blood assisting in reprieve of pain, numbness, tremors. Along with these acupressure point range of motion exercises are important to relax the muscles.
With that being said you can imagine how a person afflicted with Parkinson's disease would find
hope in traditional Chinese medicine. Just knowing that there is something that can
be done to work towards reducing symptoms can give the patient optimism.
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge about alternative treatment for Parkinson's disease. When my grandmother started having this issue she took help of this medicine: Zandopa. It is highly effective and I would recommend it to all those who are suffering from this issue.
I was suffering from Parkinson's since 5 years & life had become disastrous for me.75 % of my body was covered by Tremors.After taking herb at www. multivitamincare .org under supervision of their doctor, i started getting results within three to four weeks of the remedy .Treatment went very well and tremors are gone. I’m a strong advocate for other PD disease patients seeking help , multivitamin herbal remedies it the right process, “What they’ve done for me and my life, it’s been almost a miracle.”
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