Thursday, July 15, 2021


           What is diabetes?

In western medicine diabetes is a disease in which your immune system attacks and destroys the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. Without the proper amount of insulin blood glucose levels are elevated. Glucose is the bodies main source of energy provided by the food we consume. Somtimes our bodies pancreas cannot produce or use insulin effectively. When this happens the glucose remains in the body and the cells care deprived. Overtime an excess of glucose in the body causes numerous health problems.There is no known cure for diabetes but you can take steps to manage your diabetes. 

            Are there different types of diabetes?

Western medicine recognizes 3 main types of diabetes 

       * Type 1

Thought to be an autoimmune disorder that is closely corelated to your generics and environment. Diabetes mellitus results from the autoimmune destruction of the insulin producing beta cells in the pancreas.  The lack of insulin leads to increased blood and urine glucose. Type 1 usually presents in childhood,  but it could appear at any age. Type 1 diabetes requires daily insulin injections to stay alive. 

        * Type2

With type 2 diabetes the pancreas produces insulin but the body is unable to use the the insulin appropriately. Type 2 is closely linked to lifestyle choices, diet, exercise, as well as family history. Physical activity a clean balanced diet and close attention to blood glucose levels can greatly reduce symptoms of type 2 diabetes and help control blood sugar providing a better quality of life, with hard work type to diabetes can be cured. 

         * Gestational diabetes 

This type of diabetes develops during pregnancy and usually goes away after the birth of the child. If you have Gestational diabetes then you are more likely to get Type 2 later in life.

           How common is diabetes?

Approximately 1.5 million people are diagnosed  with diabetes each year. More Americans die each year from diabetes than AIDS and breast cancer combined. Almost 80,000 people each year die from diabetic complications.

           Symptoms of diabetes 

Frequent urination 

Excessive thirst

Extremely hunger

Slow healing cuts 

Extreme fatigue 

Numb limbs

Sweet taste and smell

Unexplained abnormal behavior 

            What are the treatments for diabetes?

Insulin is the main treatment for type 1 diabetes but there are many other things to do to help relieve symptoms. Massage therapy, healthy diet and exercise.  Testing blood sugar levels is very important in determining how much insulin to take. The invention of the insulin pump and CGM have greatly improved the life's of diabetics enabling  better control over blood glucose levels.

            How can massage benefit diabetes?

Massage is highly recommended for any type of diabetes. Some studies have shown it has great effect on lowering glucose levels and helping  neuropathy by bringing circulation to the affected area. Diabetic massage allows the muscles to relax and calms the mind. Reducing the physical and mental ailments associated with diabetes. Having diabetes is a life long condrion that takes an extreme routine lifestyle change and abundance of dedication to ones self. The client would benefit greatly from relaxation massage alone, because of the amount of care and mental stress that they deal with daily. Diabetics that often have hypoglycemia may experience a thickening of connective tissue. Massage can help loosen the muscle and tissue providing better circulation, range of motion and flexibility by relaxing the tendons, ligaments, and muscles. Foot massage is especially important because most diabetics eventually have restricted blood flow and circulation to the extremities causing neuropathy and can eventually lead to amputation. 

       What are the contraindications for massage?

There are not alot of Contraindications for diabetic massage, but it is very important to realize that a full body massage may drop blood glucose levels by 20-40 points and can result in hypoglycemia. It may be smart to keep orange or apple juice around in case of an emergency. Recognize the symptoms of a diabetic emergency:

         Excessive sweating 

         Trembling or shaking

         Pounding heart rate 



         Personality change

         Unable to wake

         Non coherent communication

It is important that if your client is able to chew that you give them juice or something with a lot of sugar immediately. If they are not responding call 911 right away. You may also need to be aware of recent insulin injections sites and use universal precautions for any open wounds. Diabetics often have loss of pressure sensitivity so it is up to the therapist to judge how much pressure is appropriate.

           What does Traditional Chinese Medicine have to offer diabetics?

     Studies have shown that Thai chi can lower blood sugar, blood pressure, boost the immune system and even help with weight-loss. Western medicine says high blood glucose will damage the kidneys. Eastern medicine believes that both high blood sugar and the treatment affects the kidneys. Once the spleen and pancreas are showing problems the next major organ to be affected is the kidneys. Both schools of medicine agree that blood glucose is the main problem, but the treatments are very different. TCM uses herbs to strengthen the kidneys so they can better withstand the effects of high blood sugar. These same herbal remedies provide relief from many symptoms including frequent urination, cooling inflammation and adding nutrients to the digestive system, as well as tingling and numbness in extremities and blurred vision. With Type 2 diabetes the herbs will calm the intestines and stomach bringing the pancreas back to a normal state, resolving excessive thirst and hunger. Once the disharmony in the organs is addressed the blood sugar  should return to a normal level.

      TCM practitioners believe diabetes is a result of eating too much fatty, sugary, rich foods. They see poor diet as one of the four contributing factors pertaining to the root cause of diabetes. This is believed to be a depletion of the yin energy - a cool dark and earthy energy combined with excessive asthenic fire in body. It is recommended to avoid greasy, sweet food and alcohol, they exhaust the spleen and create  damp heat. Also an unstable emotional life disrupts the flow of Qi and causes stagnation leading to an excess of internal fire. One more note is that excessive sexual intercourse depletes the kidney essence imparing the ability to provide yin to the body.

     TCM divides treatments into three main sections the upper, middle,  lower wasting:

     Upper wasting: characterized by excessive thirst,  dry mouth and irritability. Red tongue with a thin yellow coating, and rapid pulse. Having lung heat with depletion Syndrome. Rise in internal heat in lungs and a deficancy in body fluids(yin jin). Treatment includes a concoction of coptis chinesis, ophiopogon japonica and radix Rehman.

     Middle wasting : Shows as excessive hunger, bad breath, weight-loss, constipation, dry stool, oral ulcers, excessive thirst and urine output. Also tongue will show red with a yellow coating and pulse is rapid. Stomach fire syndrome is resolved using a remedy known as Jade maiden decoction made with gypsum fibrosum, rhizome anemarrhenae and gardenia jasminoides.

     Lower wasting:  Can be described as excessive turbid urination, lower lumbar pain, knee weakness, fatigue, dizziness, tinnitus, dry lips and dry itchy skin. Tongue diagnosis shows a red tongue with little to no coating. The pulse is thin and rapid. Treatmentment consists of six-flavor rehmannia pills made with schisandra, Chinese yam and wolf berry or gogi berry.

        Acupressure Protocols      

SP Qi Deficiency  alone, with dampness or damp heat

LV Stagnation  alone, or with fire

Upper Wasting - LU Heat


Dry throat and mouth 

Excessive thirst 

Frequent urination 

Tongue: Red with dry yellow coat

Pulse: Rapid 

Treatment points 

👉 St. John treatment points (modified)

👉 SP6 Tonify yin

👉 ST36 Tonify Qi

👉 LU 5 Clear lung heat

👉 UB13 LU Shu

 Middle Wasting - ST Dryness


Excessive hunger 

Epigastric pain


Tongue: yellow dry coat

Pulse: Rapid 

Treatment points 

👉 St. John treatment points 

👉 SP6 tonify ST/SP

👉 ST36 Tonify Qi 

👉 ST44 Clear ST Heat and dryness

👉 KD3 Tonify KD

👉 UB20 SP Shu

👉 UB21 ST Shu

👌 Lower Wasting - KD Yin and Jing


Sore back

Knee pain

Weak lower body


Blurry vision 

frequent urination 

Dry mouth

Tongue: Red no coat

Pulse:fine, rapid

Treatment points 

👉 St. John treatment points  ( modified) 

👉 KD 6 Tonify yin

👉 KD3 Tonify KD

👉 CV4 Tonify Yin 

👉 SP6 Tonify ST/ SP Yin

👉 GV20 Raise the yang

👉 UB23 KD Shu

Spleen Qi Deficiency 




Poor appetite 

Loose stools

May generate dampness combined with heat

Tongue: pale with teeth marks coated dampness 

Pulse: empty, slippery with dampness 

Treatment points 

👉 St. John treatment points ( modified) 

👉 SP3 Tonify SP

👉 SP6 Tonify SP yin

👉 ST36 Tonify Qi 

👉 CV12 ST Mu

👉 UB21 ST shu

👉 in damp SP9

👉 if damp effecting head ST8

👉 if damp heat LI 11

LV Qi Stagnation 







Menstrual cycle irregularities 

Tongue: normal pale, purple ( red with yellow coat with liver fire)

Pulse: wiry (rapid with LV fire)

Treatment points 

👉 St. John's points(with modifications)

👉 LV3 with LI4 four gates TX harmonize  LV

👉 LV14 LV MU

👉 PC6 open the chest calm the spirit

👉 UB18 LV Shu

👉 if LV fire LV2

There are many more treatments out there but I hope that someone can use this information!

NS 2021


Mayo Clinic 








Sunday, July 11, 2021

Peptic Ulcer and Qi Imbalance

1st Part

Stress, fear, anxiety are a constant in our daily life. Most of us live the life doing, achieving, creating a goal, a purpose and we cant put it on hold.  We want to be in control. However this constant state of mind, the constant thinking and over thinking has a negative impact on our physical and psychical health or our spiritmindbody. We see ourselves as individual entities running around, tending our daily business and forget the fact the we are all interconnected. To the non-verbal world (plants, animals) doesnt apply the fittest survive motto, but together we stand and flourish. It is a positive, symbiotic relationship and not a dog eat dog world. When one wants to be in control of his or her life happenings is actually being in a constant imbalance with oneself and everything around.  Stress is a major factor of this and it has so many aspects that I will not further apprehend in this article. Inadvertently, stress, especially chronic, accumulated for months, perhaps years does have so many negative effects on our health and way of existing. One of this negative health effect is peptic ulcer. What is peptic ulcer? Can it be prevented?

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Traditional Chinese Medicine & Epilepsy

 Traditional Chinese Medicine & Epilepsy 

Epilepsy: A neurological disorder marked by sudden recurrent episodes of sensory disturbance, loss of consciousness, or convulsions, associated with abnormal electrical activity in the brain.

  • There are two main types of seizures; focus/partial and generalized-onset.

    • Within each type there are subsections varying in severity

    • Focus/Partial: When seizures appear to result from abnormal activity in just one area of your brain, they're called focal (partial) seizures. These seizures fall into two categories:

      • Focal seizures without loss of consciousness. Once called simple partial seizures, these seizures don't cause a loss of consciousness. They may alter emotions or change the way things look, smell, feel, taste or sound. They may also result in involuntary jerking of a body part, such as an arm or leg, and spontaneous sensory symptoms such as tingling, dizziness and flashing lights.

      • Focal seizures with impaired awareness. Once called complex partial seizures, these seizures involve a change or loss of consciousness or awareness. During a complex partial seizure, you may stare into space and not respond normally to your environment or perform repetitive movements, such as hand rubbing, chewing, swallowing or walking in circles.

    • Symptoms of focal seizures may be confused with other neurological disorders, such as migraine, narcolepsy or mental illness. A thorough examination and testing are needed to distinguish epilepsy from other disorders.

    • Generalized-Onset: Generalized-onset seizures are surges of abnormal nerve discharges throughout the cortex of the brain more or less at the same time. The most common cause is an imbalance in the “brakes” (inhibitory circuits) and “accelerator” (excitatory circuits) of electrical activity in the brain.

      • Genetic Considerations

        • Generalized seizures may have a genetic component, but only a small number of people with generalized seizures have family members with the same condition. There is a slight increase in risk for generalized seizures in the children or other family members of an affected person with generalized seizures, but the severity of the seizures can vary from person to person. Genetic testing may reveal a cause for generalized seizures.

        • Sleep deprivation or drinking large amounts of alcohol can increase the excitatory response and increase the risk of generalized-onset seizures, especially in people with a genetic tendency to have them.

  • Absence seizures

    • Absence seizures, previously known as petit mal seizures, often occur in children and are characterized by staring into space or subtle body movements such as eye blinking or lip smacking. These seizures may occur in clusters and cause a brief loss of awareness.

  • Tonic seizures

    • Tonic seizures cause stiffening of your muscles. These seizures usually affect muscles in your back, arms and legs and may cause you to fall to the ground.

  • Atonic seizures

    • Atonic seizures, also known as drop seizures, cause a loss of muscle control, which may cause you to suddenly collapse or fall down.

  • Clonic seizures

    • Clonic seizures are associated with repeated or rhythmic, jerking muscle movements. These seizures usually affect the neck, face and arms.

  • Myoclonic seizures

    • Myoclonic seizures usually appear as sudden brief jerks or twitches of your arms and legs.

  • Tonic-clonic seizures

    • Tonic-clonic seizures, previously known as grand mal seizures, are the most dramatic type of epileptic seizure and can cause an abrupt loss of consciousness, body stiffening and shaking, and sometimes loss of bladder control or biting your tongue.

  • Causes: Epilepsy has no identifiable cause in about half the people with the condition. In the other half, the condition may be traced to various factors, including:

    • Genetic influence. Some types of epilepsy, which are categorized by the type of seizure you experience or the part of the brain that is affected, run in families. In these cases, it's likely that there's a genetic influence.

      • Researchers have linked some types of epilepsy to specific genes, but for most people, genes are only part of the cause of epilepsy. Certain genes may make a person more sensitive to environmental conditions that trigger seizures.

    • Head trauma. Head trauma as a result of a car accident or other traumatic injury can cause epilepsy.

    • Brain conditions. Brain conditions that cause damage to the brain, such as brain tumors or strokes, can cause epilepsy. Stroke is a leading cause of epilepsy in adults older than age 35.

    • Infectious diseases. Infectious diseases, such as meningitis, AIDS and viral encephalitis, can cause epilepsy.

    • Prenatal injury. Before birth, babies are sensitive to brain damage that could be caused by several factors, such as an infection in the mother, poor nutrition or oxygen deficiencies. This brain damage can result in epilepsy or cerebral palsy.

    • Developmental disorders. Epilepsy can sometimes be associated with developmental disorders, such as autism and neurofibromatosis.

  • Indications and Contraindications: It very much depends on the type of seizures that an individual suffers from and care needs to be taken as over-stimulation may trigger an attack. Each person and their epilepsy should be considered individually

    • Clients who suffer from tonic-clonic seizures, it is beneficial to work on the body and limbs due to the contraction of these areas during their seizures

    • Hot stone and grounding head massages are known to be generally safe but energy work to the head should always be avoided. 

    • Reflexology can be deeply relaxing for some people, so it could be of great use to those whose epilepsy is triggered by stress.

    • Certain essential oils such as fennel, rosemary and sage, [amongst others, ask your doctor for a comprehensive list] should be avoided as they are known to increase the risk of seizures. Make sure your therapist is a qualified aromatherapist with the knowledge of which oils to avoid and alternatives to go for – ylang ylang, chamomile and lavender have a relaxing and calming effect, which could ward off a seizure too.

    • If a ketogenic diet is being used to improve epilepsy symptoms let your therapist know. Weakness, dizziness, sleepiness and diarrhea are all side effects that may mean the practitioner will want to adapt the session slightly.

    • Cupping where epileptics who experience seizures would not be a good candidate for service.  That is because if an epileptic had a seizure and fell to the ground with glass or plastic cups stuck to them, the cup could break or cut the client and provide a greater medical problem beyond the seizure itself.

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine: 

    • Vitamin and folic acid supplements can help to control epileptic seizures, however, these need to be carried out with strict medical supervision as adverse effects can also happen. Vitamin B6, taurine (an amino acid) and omega 3 fatty acids are also known to help patients with epilepsy. 

    • There is a Chinese herb called bupleurum which is used in combination with peony root, cassia bark, jujube fruit, ginger root and pinellia root to form two different herbal formulae known as sho-saiko and saiko-keishi. Other ingredients in the two formulae are ginseng root, licorice root and skullcap root. These Chinese medicines are known to help people with epilepsy without any negative side effects.

    • Acupuncture and massage therapy are other therapies for epilepsy that have had a significant presence in the treatment of this disorder. 

      • Acupuncture has been known to reduce seizures and also control abnormal brain activity that causes the seizures. Studies in China have established that treatment of epilepsy where acupuncture and massage is used along with certain herbs have had the best results.

      •  A study in Germany which involved almost a hundred people established that acupuncture treatment over a period of up to 18 months showed marked improvement in 65 percent of the cases. All drugs were discontinued during the period of the test.

      • There are two types of massage therapy that have been known to be effective in treating epileptic patients. They are Cranial-Sacral Therapy and Aromatherapy. 

        • Cranial-Sacral therapy helps to get fluid moving freely around the brain thus releasing any blockages that can cause seizures.

        • Aromatherapy using Jasmine makes the patient associate the scent with relaxation and this induced state of relaxation can reduce the possibility of seizures.

  • There are Yin and Yang seizures. Yin seizures are rarely connected with epilepsy. Yang seizures are clenched and spastic. In some cases seizures are caused by a deficiency of Yin (in the Yin-Yang medical theory, this means an insufficiency of cooling bodily fluids) in the Liver or Kidney. Sometimes emotional constraint can lead to the Liver overheating, resulting in internal Wind.

  • The causes of epilepsy can be summarized as congenital (present from birth but not hereditary) and acquired.

    •  Congenital causes include an impairment of the transfer of Qi (the body’s essential energy) from the fetes to the baby. 

    • Acquired causes include craniocerebral trauma; syncope; blood stagnation in the blood vessels and nerves; cerebrum and parasites in the brain; depletion in the nourishment of the heart and mind; suffocation, etc.

  • For the purposes of syndrome differentiation, epilepsy is classified as being due to Fright (including chronic fear unsettling the mind); due to Wind (fever); due to phlegm (characterized by a weak mind and dementia) and due to blood stasis (caused by craniocerebral trauma and characterized by headaches).

    • For epilepsy due to Fright, treatment will aim to calm the mind and eliminate fright.

    • For epilepsy due to Wind, treatment focuses on eliminating the Wind and relieving convulsion.

    • For epilepsy due to phlegm build-up, the focus will be on regulating the body’s Qi, removing the phlegm and resuscitating the patient.

    • For epilepsy due to blood stasis, treatment will re-activate blood circulation in order to induce resuscitation and stopping Wind.

  • According to Chinese Medicine theory both acupuncture and Chinese herbs can be used either during or after seizure. Since repeated seizures are often caused by a large accumulation of phlegm according to CM theory, eliminating phlegm is one of the priorities. 

  • For patients who experience seizures on rare occasions, the Chinese Medical treatment focuses on strengthening the Spleen, nourishing the Liver, relieving spasm and also removing phlegm.

  • Heart, Liver, Spleen and Kidney are all affected and require attention as part of the treatment.

  • For best results, Chinese medicine must be combined with Western medicines.


Wednesday, January 13, 2021

 Information on Headaches, Migraines and Vestibular Migraines:

What they are, what to do about them and Holistic Approaches to Healing them: Did you Know you Could Experience a Migraine without a Headache at all? Did you Know that your Migraine could cause temporary Numbness, Tingling, Vertigo and Visionary Problems?

Vestibular migraine is the most common neurological cause of vertigo in adults, affecting almost 10 million Americans. It is also under-diagnosed and under-recognized. Only about 20% of people suffering from vestibular migraine are diagnosed correctly.

Vestibular migraine is an invisible illness, on the surface everything looks fine, but underneath, vestibular migraine sits like a serpent ready to strike at any moment with the violence of a tornado. It does not care about your job, friends, family or life. The fear of it striking is paralyzing. What if it strikes while you are driving, or in public, or worst when no one is around to help you. It embarrasses you; it leaves you with guilt from missing out on opportunities, it condemns you for being a burden to others. While others around you can see a person with a visible disability or even a broken leg, they cannot see the invisible vertigo and debilitating dizziness that can come on at any time, like working on a computer, or being out at dinner, driving in traffic. There are no regular lab tests or imaging tests to diagnose it. You cannot just try to appear normal and get back to work; you cannot will it away. You need to take action!

Here are some of the common misdiagnoses for vestibular migraine; this is just some of them! Meniere’s disease, perilymph fistula, vestibular neuritis, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, ear infections, allergies, sinus problems, deviated septum, multiple sclerosis, mini stroke, heart problems, epilepsy, anxiety, depression and even cancer.

Getting the right diagnosis is extremely important because it validates you, it will let your friends, family and coworkers know there is something validly wrong and it will also stop all the craziness of going to multiple practitioners for irrelevant surgeries, drugs, and treatments that will make the matter worst when attempting to cure an invalid illness.

Migraine can be diagnosed after experiencing at least 5 headaches lasting from 4-72 hours sever enough to impact routine daily activity, accompanied by nausea, or light/ sound sensitivity.

Migraines are categorized into 4 parts: premonitory, aura, attack, and postdrome.

The premonitory can start up to three days before the attack and may include fatigue, food cravings, excessive yawning, cognitive changes, and mood swings. 

The aura is characterized by transient neurological changes that last from 5 – 60 minutes, most commonly experienced as visual phenomena like flashes of light, colorful squiggly lines, zigzag patterns, or black spots. Some people may experience sensory symptoms like numbness, tingling, or unusual sensations as part of their aura. More unusual auras include word-finding difficulty or weakness or numbness on half of their body.

The attack will last from 4-72 hours and be painful enough to most likely need to lay down and can be accompanied by nausea, and light or sound sensitivity.

The Postdrome of migraine involves aftershocks, people usually experience lethargy, trouble concentrating, depressed mood, and in rare cases euphoria.

Migraine is not just another headache; and vestibular migraine is not just a migraine with dizziness!

What caused you to get a vestibular migraine? There is not a sure answer, but it was not something you did. Vestibular migraines are caused by some known things which include: Stress, Depression, Genetics, Hormonal Changes, and Sub-optimal Vitamin and Nutrient levels (which could have been from as long ago as birth, not necessarily recent)

This is a brief history of how a migraine starts and develops:

A migraine starts at the trigeminal system, the largest of the cranial nerves, which mediates sensation of the head, face, dura, and the surface of the blood vessels inside the skull. The cascade of migraine begins with neuronal dysfunction called cortical spreading depression, which triggers activation of the trigeminal system leading to changes in the dura and upper cervical cord. Migraine related changes also take place within the upper cervical cord. Then the dysfunction spreads to the thalamus, hypothalamus, the locus coeruleus located in the brain stem and the brain stem center.

It was in 1999 the term vestibular migraine was ever used in a study by Drs Dieterick & Brandt. The first set of diagnostic criteria was published by Dr. Neuhauser and colleges in 2001 and in 2012 The International Barnay Society and The International Headache Society collaborated to publish the criteria we use today. It is as follows:

A: At least 5 episodes lasting 5 minutes to 72 hours

B: Current or previous history of migraines with or without aura

C: 1 or more migraine feature with at least 50% vestibular episodes: headache with at least 2 of the following characteristics: unilateral, pulsated/ throbbing, moderate or severe intensity, aggravated by normal routine and activity, photophobia or phonophobia, visual aura

D: Not better accounted for by another vestibular or ICHD diagnosis

These are some of the vitamin, essential oils, herbs, and nutrients recommended by Dr. Beh to help combat vestibular migraine:

Vitamin B2, CoQ10, Magnesium, Vitamin D, Folate, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12, Vitamin C & E, Boswellia, Fever Few, Ginger, Ginko Biloba, Melatonin, Peppermint oil (for pressure points), Rose, Lavender and Eucalyptus oils to breathe, Omega fatty acids, probiotics, tryptophan, turmeric.

Dr. Beh recommends among other options Vestibular rehabilitation therapy, chiropractic therapy, physical therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture (make sure your acupuncturist is licensed in the state you are in), acupressure. 

For headaches, acupoint L14 (Hegu) is located at the base of the thumb and index finger. Use your right thumb to apply firm pressure at this point while moving it in a slow circular motion for 5 minutes. You do not have to press so hard as to cause pain. Repeat this on the right hand. Some vendors sell plastic clips that can be applied to this acupoint, but many people use clothespins with just as much benefit at a fraction of the price.

For stress: acupoint Extra 1 Yintang is right between the eyebrows. Apply gentle pressure between your eyebrows at this point with your thumb, moving with a slow circular motion for 5 – 10 minutes with your eyes closed.

For vertigo, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting: acupoint P6 Neiguan is located on the inner forearm, three finger-breadths from your wrist. You will feel the two prominent tendons that connect the forearm muscles to your fingers at this point. Use your index finger or thumb to press firmly while moving it in a slow circular motion for 3 minutes, repeat on the other forearm, Sea bands are bands that are worn at this point to apply pressure at P6. Some products apply electrical stimulation at this acupoint.

Dr. Beh describes vestibular migraine as Alice in Wonderland syndrome because the symptoms can be so unusual, devastating and there are a whole plethora of possibilities. Some of these unusual symptoms are: Feeling parts of your body do not belong to you, feeling really large where you can see above the treetops or really tiny, seeing double vision, sparkly lights, zigzags, an aura around people, seeing animals that are not there, having time lapses or time slows down, so you could be driving at 80 mph and think you are only doing 20 mph...or the other way around, there can be brain fog, word loss, or the complete loss of ability to move or speak for a  short amount of time (because the aura portion lasts for a shorter portion of time) Vestibular migraine can mimic TIA! The body can become numb and droopy on one side, combined with an inability to speak or the ability to move it is easy to see how a vestibular migraine with an aura could be mistaken as a stroke!

There is a whole tirade of medications used for migraines and taking them can make your migraine worst, that being said Dr. Beh does strongly suggest that you find a rescue medication that works for you. That is something you know will work and that can be sprayed in your mouth or dissolved under your tongue, this is something you would carry with you at all times.

In his book: “Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind” Zen Master Shuryn Suzuki Roshi said, “In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few.”

This can be said of working for the relief of migraine because in the beginning there are a lot of options and hope, but as time and options go by, there becomes less hope for a cure and relief.

We have talked before about the placebo effect and how so many people can take a treatment and get better just because of their belief in the treatment alone. Visualization works on this level as well. In visualization you visualize yourself doing the event as if it was happening right now, or visualize yourself healthy and fully healed right now. For this reason, hypnotherapy or self-hypnosis works really well also.

2000 Olympic champion platform diver Laura Wilkinson suffered from a foot injury that kept her from practicing her dives for 2 months before the Olympics, usually enough to put a person out of contending due to loss of muscle and practice. China was already determined to be the winner as they had won the event 7 out of 8 of the last Olympic event years. Laura practiced visualization and won in spite of her injury and lack of physical practice. She was the first American in 36 years to have won!

Triggers for migraine are categorized as: Dietary, Environmental, Lifestyle, Physical, Medication, and hormonal.

It can be very tricky to figure out what might or might not be a trigger for your migraine, for this reason, it is important to always keep a migraine diary and include everything every day so you can go back and see where the cause might have been. Here are some of the things you might be looking for: 


Cheese, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, beans, caffeine, chocolate, dairy, citrus, fatty foods, food sensitivity, lack of water, nitrates, nuts, pickled foods, sugar, additives, wheat/ gluten, msg.


Birth control – pills, patch, IUD

Hormone replacement therapy

Menopause, pre-menopause, menstruation, ovulation, pregnancy


Air pollution, bright light, florescent light, chemical sensitivity, smoke, cold, damp weather, dim light, dry air, fumes, heat, noise, humidity, strong odors/ perfumes.


Smoking, disrupted sleep, excessive sleep, fatigue, insufficient sleep, let down headache, motion, drugs, routine change, stress, and travel. 


Analgesic, antiasthma, antidepressants, antiseizure, blood pressure, blood vessel dilators, diuretics, drug cocktails, ergotamines, opioids, and triptans.


Allergy, computer/ cell phone overuse, exercise, sex/ sports exertion, eyestrain, flu, cold, virus, head trauma, neck, shoulder, back tension, poor posture, sedentary lifestyle, sinusitis, rhinitis.

Record everything. It is tricky because a glass of wine that seems to have caused a migraine could be categorized as an alcohol trigger, or a sulfites trigger, tyramine, lack of water, or it could be lack of protein on the day it was consumed!

A 2 oz square of dark chocolate contains 40 mgs of caffeine just like a shot of espresso, so it might be a caffeine trigger or a chocolate trigger, or even a sugar trigger.

Dr.Rodolfo Low, a chemist, professor, Ford Foundation advisor, and migraine sufferer presented his findings of 22 years of clinical research on migraine and blood glucose in his book "Migraine: The Breakthrough Study That Explains What Causes It and How It Can Be Completely Prevented Through Diet." In his findings he determined that migraine sufferers could eliminate their migraines completely by better managing their blood sugar levels and he advised a hypoglycemic diet.

"You can't eat just one." - Lays Potato Chips

Hypoglycemic diet:

When your blood sugar is low, your body produces stress hormones to boost your energy level wreaking havoc on your neuroendocrine system. This stress causes you to store fat and crave simple sugars and carbohydrates. When you change your eating schedule to eat less, but more often and more protein your body no longer thinks it is starving and you store less fat.

The U.S. is the only place where sugar is what's for breakfast.

Eat early protein, your pancreas has been busy while you were asleep producing insulin and you need protein first thing in the morning; before you go off to work or start your daily routine and forget about it!

Eat every 2-3 hours first the meal and then 2-3 hours later a snack.

Eat protein at every meal and snack.

Eat first thing after you wake up, no matter what your schedule is.

Cut out caffeine a quarter every week and at the end of a month, you will have successfully and safely eliminated caffeine.

Do not skip any meals or snacks or go hungry. If you are hungry at least eat a protein.

Do not eat a dessert without a protein.

Take or eat essential fatty acids daily also take magnesium daily.

Drink at least 2 quarts of water per day, in addition to the decaff, herbal teas, juice, and milk you drink daily.

"I die by the help of too many physicians; it was the crowd of physicians that killed me." - Alexander The Great on his death bed

MOH Drugs ~ Medication overuse headaches:

So you have a bad migraine and you seek medical help and receive a prescription or even over the counter medication, now it might or might not work, but you are scared to stop taking it because what if it does help and you stop taking it, then the migraines might be even worst (if that could be possible!) On the other hand, the migraines are horrible, so you go and find another specialist and more medication...and on and on the merry go round goes. Here is a list of medications that can give you MOH migraines:

Tylenol, Acetaminophen, NSAIDS, Ibuprophren

Combination Analgesics: Excedrin, Fioricet, Esgic, Phrenilin

Ergotamine: Cafergot, DHE

Triptans: Imitrex, Zomig, Maxalt, Relipax, Treximet, Amerge

Opioids: Tylenol 3, Vicodin, Demerol, Percocet, Dilaudid, Morphine

Other off-label brands of medications as well.

Instead try Vitamin B2, CoQ10, Essential Fatty Acids, Butterbur, Feverfew, and Magnesium. Canibus helps some, but it can also be a trigger.

For Hormonal Migraine Try: Dong Quai, Black Cohosh, Ginseng, DHEA, and Qi tonics

Migraines are a wood element in traditional Chinese Medicine, but metal controls the wood element so breath is very important!

About Breathing: The Hawaiian term for outsiders is "haoles" meaning people without breath. Hawaiians are in tune with their breathing and perceive how other people's breath appear in their bodies.

Stress and the fight or flight syndrome bring a tightness to the chest and a shallow short breath. Babies were not born that way. They breathe deeply all the way in and out of what appears to be their bellies. They are still breathing with their lungs and diaphragm, but they are so relaxed their diaphragm relaxes and they can expand their lungs way down to their bellies!

Relax the lungs, abdomen and the diaphragm will drop allowing the lungs to open and breathe deeper.

Exercises for breathing:

Lay on the floor with your feet together and your arms out to form a T.

Find the "hinges" in your spine:

1) find the Yes / No hing by shaking your head no, and nodding your head yes

2) at the back of your waistband arch the small of your back off the floor at the waist keeping your hips on the floor and reflattening it.

3) find the front of each hip joint where the thigh bone meets the pelvis. Practice with the back hing.

Imagine you are breathing with your whole body and a gentle wave is moving through you.

Breath in; fill your abdomen as if blowing up a balloon, round out the space below your waist between your belly button and the top of your pubic bone.

As you inhale lift your waistline, but not your hips off the floor arching the small of your back.

Let the movement of your spine follow the breath, not the breath follow the movement of the spine.

Exhale: as you flatten the small of your back against the floor and feel the pelvis tilt up. Do not engage or squeeze your butt, legs, or thighs.

Continue inhaling and exhaling. The sensations are subtle like a wave. Let yourself flow into them, feeling your tailbone roll up and down the floor.

Many more exercises are available.

"Psyche and bodywork sympathetically, it seems to me. A change in the state of psyche produces a change in the structure of the body... conversely, a change in the structure of the body produces a change in the state of the psyche." - Artistotle, Physiognomonica

Practice meditation. Learn mindful meditation. While in pain get into meditation and find a pain point, feel, and name the pain; what kind of pain is it? Where exactly in the body is it? Keep describing it and meditating on it until it dissipates... then move on to the nest pain point until they are all dissipated.

Self-massage for migraines:

1) Sit in a straight-backed chair, feet hip-distance apart, legs perpendicular to the floor or extended out slightly

2) Place both elbows on the table or desk and place your hands one on the front and one on the back of your head.

3)Let your upper body bend at the waist and lean over the table at a 45-degree angle, so your head falls into your front hand and your neck is relaxed. Situate your chair at the distance from the table that allows your upper torso to be at 45 degrees.

Whenever possible, apply therapy sooner rather than later, just as you would with any acute medication or therapy. It's usually much easier to abort a migraine if you catch it before it escalates.

1. Position your body either sitting and leaning over a desk or a table, sitting on a couch or in bed with knees up in a fetal position.

2. Loosen any stuck, tight, painful areas in the lower skull, neck, forehead, or jaw with self-massage until the headache shifts to the front of the head. Skip this if the migraine is solely in the front of the head.

3. Place both elbows on the table, so your arms don't get tired from being held up.

4. Make puppy dog paws and drape your front hand gently across your forehead, thumb extended. Use the hand on the same side that your headache is on. Relaxing the back of your neck, let your head fall into front hand in the "Oy! I've got such a headache" position shown earlier in steps 1,2, and 3.

5. Find the headache in front: Use the pad of your thumb to find your pain by listening for pulsations and other sensations. Note, pressing too hard makes it difficult to locate the pulsing point.

6. Lightly position your cupped back hand on the back of your head, with your palm on or above the occipital ridge, not your neck. Place the center of your palm approximately 180 degrees from the headache point you are working on in front. The back hand should be relaxed and receptive, barely touching your hair, with your attention lightly aware of it.

7. With your front hand thumb, attend to and FLATTEN each pulsing point one at a time.

8. Flatten it with your touch, mindful meditation, and visualization.

9. As the headache begins to dissipate, let your back hand come into work and awareness.

10. As the headache points dissipate notice any sensations of heat, tingling, wave, a magnetic pull that come into your back hand and keep the hand in place.

11. Shift your attention to the back hand and notice how the sensations begin to increase in intensity.

12. Notice the sensations in your back hand begin to subside now.

13. Both the increase and the decrease in the back hand mean the headache is shifting and releasing.

14. Work on all the headache points using an inchworm technique.

15. Say seated and relaxed, do belly breathing, keep your eyes closed, and don't test the migraine too soon. This whole sequence can take 5 minutes or an hour depending on how severe the migraine is. Shake out your hands without jostling your head and neck. If the migraine returns start over and repeat.

There are many more treatments, techniques, and ideas in the wonderful books in my reference section.

Please also open this link to see 35 images I was unable to place into this document.


Hell's Kitchen

J.D. Wallach BS, DVM, ND

Ma Lan, MD, MS, LAc

Victory over Vestibular Migraine

The Action Plan for Healing and Getting Your Life Back

Shin C. Beh, MD

Heal Your Headache

The 1.2.3. Program for Taking Charge of Your Pain

David Buchholz, MD

The Headache Healer's Handbook

A Holistic, Hands On Somatic Selfcare Program for Headache and Migraine Relief and Prevention

Jan Mundo CMSC, CMT